People sometimes ask how our metal galley gear can be classified as truly "green"? After all, there is no such thing as organic steel or aluminum. Like most things on, we try to envision the impact our gear has on the world around us as it is made, used, and ultimately lost or discarded. In addition, we believe a product you only have to buy once in your lifetime is much greener than a cheaper version you will replace countless times. With this in mind we offer an assortment of high quality products that are designed for you to pass on to the next generation. You won't find cheap plastic covered junk here, just the best boat gear we can find that makes a minimal impact on the environment. Whether you are draining pasta, washing veggies, or storing fruit, colanders come in handy. Our stainless steel 3 quart colander is made from durable, corrosion resistant stainless steel but isn't so big that it dominates your storage place. A handle on each end makes for easy, safe use and convenient hanging ability too. The 3 quart stainless colander measures about 12" across from handle tip to handle tip x 5" tall. Available for $8.99. Made in China Combine this purchase with other items in our store for discounted shipping. Order Size - Shipping Up to $24.95 - $5.99 $25 - $74.99 - $9.99 $75- $149.99 - $14.99 Over $150 - FREE Product Reviews for Stainless Steel 3 Quart ColanderYou May Also Like...